
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Black Hole Suckyness (NaBloPoMo #27)

So my presentation sucked like a black hole. The good thing is everyone else's sucked either the same or worse and my teacher wasn't even there to see us suck that bad. Also on the plus side, I don't need to go on Friday. Well we weren't told that but there were only 3 people there today that didn't present and basically no one else is going since they don't have to present. So Kim and I are going to FMSC instead. Yay! Ok, I just realized that that is too big of a coincidence that Kim was planning on going the Friday that I end up not having to go to school on for that not to be God so: Thank you God! I would definitely much rather be packing food than going to watch presentations that I don't care about.
So my plans for the end of this week are to have a spa day for myself tomorrow hopefully while reading my new library books. Other than spa times I need to be reading Infancy stuff and doing study guides. I also have a performance at the park near the studio to deal with.
Good news is that April is so close to being over and I can't wait. The sooner April ends the sooner I will be free of school for a while!

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