
Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Little Birdie Made My Day (NaBloPoMo #14)

On the way to class today I saw this little bird who made my day. Now, Don't laugh at me because I would rather be entertained by the little things than go through life less happy than I could be. This little bird was hilarious, he would either hop or run a few inches and then he would stop, pull his wings out a little bit at a time and then fold them back and do it all over again. It was the cutest thing. :-D It's the little things in life that just make my day.
I guess that's all I have to say for today other than . . .

YAY!!!!!!! I'm halfway done with April.
This means a few things
~Halfway done with NaBloPoMo
~Halfway done with Script Frenzy (And caught up)
~Only a month and a half away from recital
~3 weeks away from the end of school
~Two weeks into my Day Zero challenge and I have already crossed 2 or 3 things off my list :-D

I am so proud of myself and happy that I have made it this far! I cant wait to finish out the month. (Hopefully as strong as I started out!)

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