
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Nights = Good Days (NoBloPoMo#13)

Last night was amazing! . . . . Well it was mostly amazing! I am in such a good mood this morning that I don't even mind to much that I have to go to a class that I REALLY don't like anymore.
Last night I . . .
~Caught up and got ahead of my Script Frenzy goal
~Didn't feel like Lyrical was the longest class in the world
~Experimented with dinner
~Liked what came out of my dinner experiment
~Got all the pictures and things that I needed done
Amd Best of all!!!!
~I found out that my sister-in-law is pregnant!!!!!!
That last one is the one I am SUPER excited about. I know it isn't set in stone but I juat have a feeling she is going to have a little girl! I have 4 nephew right now and while I love them to death, I am waiting for that little girl that I can shower with glitter! AHHHH!!! :-) I heard about it yesterday and had a grin for an our later and now I can't stop smiling again :-D Part of the reason this is also amazing news is because a while ago this sister-in-law had told us she didn't think she could have kids so it was probably the best surprise ever!!!!!

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