
Monday, April 11, 2011

Good News, Bad News (NaBloPoMo #11)

~Good News: I got my entire class extra credit because I asked about the stupid presentation that originally had no points attached to it and was a completely pointless waste of time.

~Bad News: We still have to do the presentation and it is still a completely pointless waste of time AND he still hasn't given my group the study we need to put our presentation together.

~Good News: One of the girls I teach seems like she is starting to understand the dance things that are harder to grasp

~Bad News: She still looks kind of bad because the other girls don't get it at all

~Good News: I am getting a lot of stuff done for the studio (Finale choreography, recital cd . . .)

~Bad News: I am not getting much of my school work done.

I guess life is full of goods and bads, you just have to take it all in stride.

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