
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Achilles Heel (NaBloPoMo #5)

Have you ever eaten Pub Mix?
That probably sounds really strange but I have a reason, kinda. I have found out that if I know that there is pub mix around, it will not live to see morning. I have basically no self control when it comes to the stuff. It is amazing! Which is slightly frustrating when you are trying to eat healthy.
Plus the only reason we have it is because my grandpa didn't like it, I ate almost half the container on the first night! Ugh, not good. but the bright side is that I am doing better with watching what I eat. I got calcium supplements (Yes they are the kids gummy bear kind ^^) and I have been staying in healthy ranges for everything else . . . except when I am around pub mix.
Why cant I be normal and have a weakness like chocolate?

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