
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mommy's Day (NaBloPoMo #28)

So I've already gotten or ordered all of moms stuff for Mothers day and now I am contemplating getting something for Kim. No, Kim is not pregnant. I just thought since her pet snake dies and her skink is having some health issues right now and plus having such a difficult semester on top of that, she is as good as a mom. My only problem at this point is that I don't wanna take the day away from mom since she doesn't really get that much recognition in the first place, I don't want to be rude. I dunno, I'll probably just end up not doing it but I will think about it while I am sitting in the bath tub for my spa night tonight. Speaking of which I need to finish some reading for school so I don't feel too guilty when I'm not reading it later. :-)

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