
Monday, June 27, 2011


I realize everyone else's lives are interesting. And there are times when there really cool things that people actually want to know about. But, When I am already not in a good mood I don't really want to hear about your boyfriend's friend's (Who I have only seen in person once . . . at a distance) tramp stamp . . . or his Micky Mouse outfit for that matter.
I also don't really feel up to you making fun of me for something that, seeing as you haven't been living with me for more than a week, you know nothing about.
and lets not forget your criticism of my teaching skills, the decisions I make for my dog, my choice in friends, and just my general personality.
So you might think that this is a friend that I should tell to hit the road, but unfortunately, I have no choice as this is my sister I am talking about, and this is one after noon, in fact it is actually all of 30 minutes that she managed to fit all of this annoyance plus some. Right now the only reason I am not incredibly mad at her is because I get to go home and spend the night alone. For once that is a good thing.

Sorry about the rant but i just had to get it out and there is no other appropriate way to do it.

Of course my sister is always like this and the only reason it is getting to me is because I spent my day trying to figure out what i am supposed to be doing with my life and having absolutely no success.
The other day i was going to make the PostSecret card that I want to send so I could cross that off my Day Zero list. This lead me to try and figure out how to summerize my problems or secrets. That did not work out but one of the things I was trying to make work was one about how everyone keeps telling me that God has a plan and I am trying to trust that and get some clues as to where that plan leads but I am just so tired of waiting! Waiting for a guy, waiting for a direction in life, waiting for a friend I can actually confide in.
No, I'm not just sitting on my butt waiting but doing the things I'm doing are getting me nowhere and I have no idea what else to do. Even the people I know that aren't sure of what they're doing at least have a direction, I am graduating next May and my best idea for a job is to work at the front desk of a hotel . . . ohh exciting! (Note the sarcasm.)
What the heck am I supposed to do???? I feel so lost. I just wish people would stop reminding me so I could live with the feeling locked away and be able to pretend that I am fine.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Endings (NaBloPoMo #30)

Endings can be sweet and sour. Today was the ending of a lot of things.

Sweet Endings:
1. NaBloPoMo, I have enjoyed getting a lot of things sorted out through this blog but feeling like i had to post was stressful.
2. First month of Project 365, I haven't been very good with posting lately but it's cool to have 30 pictures down and liking most of them.
3. First month of Day Zero finished, Not as much as I thought I would have done, finished but its a good start.
4. Script Frenzy! I'm finished! I only had about 75 pages that were pretty easy and then the rest was a struggle but I am finally done!

1.No more park performances for dance. We basically burned the skin off our feet trying to dance one a black floor at the beginning of summer.
2. End of so many things and yet school continues :-(

Friday, April 29, 2011

Negativity (NaBloPoMo #29)

I am so tired of hearing negativity! Kim and I went to FMSC and there were a bunch of 2nd graders there and Kim has been in a bad mood the rest of the day. Going in it was obvious that this was going to be slower than normal, its a bunch of little kids. Now the rest of the day she has been mad about everything. Everything is ten times more dramatic than it needs to be. and she was just complaining that everyone else is being over dramatic. Ugh I am almost looking forward to the Pinion meeting tonight and I really wasnt earlier. Can I just fast forward the next hour and a half?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mommy's Day (NaBloPoMo #28)

So I've already gotten or ordered all of moms stuff for Mothers day and now I am contemplating getting something for Kim. No, Kim is not pregnant. I just thought since her pet snake dies and her skink is having some health issues right now and plus having such a difficult semester on top of that, she is as good as a mom. My only problem at this point is that I don't wanna take the day away from mom since she doesn't really get that much recognition in the first place, I don't want to be rude. I dunno, I'll probably just end up not doing it but I will think about it while I am sitting in the bath tub for my spa night tonight. Speaking of which I need to finish some reading for school so I don't feel too guilty when I'm not reading it later. :-)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Black Hole Suckyness (NaBloPoMo #27)

So my presentation sucked like a black hole. The good thing is everyone else's sucked either the same or worse and my teacher wasn't even there to see us suck that bad. Also on the plus side, I don't need to go on Friday. Well we weren't told that but there were only 3 people there today that didn't present and basically no one else is going since they don't have to present. So Kim and I are going to FMSC instead. Yay! Ok, I just realized that that is too big of a coincidence that Kim was planning on going the Friday that I end up not having to go to school on for that not to be God so: Thank you God! I would definitely much rather be packing food than going to watch presentations that I don't care about.
So my plans for the end of this week are to have a spa day for myself tomorrow hopefully while reading my new library books. Other than spa times I need to be reading Infancy stuff and doing study guides. I also have a performance at the park near the studio to deal with.
Good news is that April is so close to being over and I can't wait. The sooner April ends the sooner I will be free of school for a while!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stupid People (NaBloPoMo #26)

So, I should be sleeping right now, especially since I have a presentation that is copletely messed up tomorrow. My team, as individual people are pretty cool but as a team we suck. Our powerpoint is just a mass of words which I would hate to be looking at if I were the audience. Well I guess there are two slides that arent, mine. My slide stick out like a sore thumb to me bacause they seem so bare.
Another thing I can complain about is the fact that I have to try and speak for 4 min on two slides because someone apparently did a better job at the second half of my section so they put her slides in instead. I am hoping that someone else is speaking on those slides because for one, I have no clue what exactly is on them and for two, what I have see on them is a repeat of the syptoms and I dont want to look like an idiot repeating the same thing for 5 slides.
I juat want tommorow morning to be over with. I'm already in a bad mood and I havent even gotten to sleep yet.

Monday, April 25, 2011

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (NaBloPoMo #25)

So these last few posts might just be a countdown till the end of this I am just tired of having nothing to say . . .