
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Things that people who know me don't know

1. I envy people with eating disorders because I don't have the determination to starve myself or throw up everything I eat
2. I'm not sure what I believe in right now
3. I rarely like how I look.
4. I'm almost constantly thinking about how my stomach looks
5. I wore an ace bandage wrapped around my waist when I was thirteen because it made me look skinny
6. I wish my problems were worse so that I could tell someone and they would actually care
7. I told my mom about my body image problems once and she spent the week making me feel guilty about everything I ate
8. I've never had anyone I could tell everything to
9. I dont believe I'll ever have someone I'm comfortable telling everything to
10. I dont tell my friends about my problems because every time I have tried in the past they belittled them
11. I make believe I'm happy around my friends because I don't want to be devistated if they don't notice when I'm upset

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