
Sunday, March 22, 2009


2:2something AM
Apparently I'm really stressed. I only stay up really late and not feel tired till, like, 4 in the morning when I'm really stressed. Cause my body seems to think that lack of sleep is going to make it all better. Yeah, I know, its stupid and it sucks. well during the night it doesn't cause I'm such a night owl, but in the morning it sucks.

4:2something AM
. . . yay its past 4 and I'm still not tired. Don't you just love those little quirks your body has. No? neither do I. I could defiantly live with out these late-night interventions. I always end up crying at some point and then I'm good for another week or two. Why cant I just get everything every January 1st? Then I wouldn't have to deal with this all year.

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