
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Boyfriend Blues

Boyfriends suck. Not that I would know cause I've never had one so I guess it's just that other peoples boyfriends suck. I mean Jacen, Kimmy's boyfriend, is cool and all but not when he's over at 10 o'clock at night watching a very loud movie in the back of out house where my room is when I wanna go to sleep. This was what I didn't like about Nick, Kimmy's last boyfriend. Whenever he came over I felt like I got kicked out of my TV room cause he and Kimmy were in there and being the third wheel really sucks. At least with Jacen it isn't so much of a kicking out as a voluntary banishment. With Nick, he would glare at me if I even came close to walking into the TV room. This still suck though cause I'm tired and tomorrow we're having a party for my grandparents anniversary so I kinda wanna get some sleep. :-( This sucks.

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