
Day Zero

I found out about this 101 things to do in 1001 days and decided that, while it is not especially important, it will give my mediocre life some purpose until I find the real purpose.
For those of you who would care to do this too, go to and start making your list.
Of course you could also just make a list on your own but the website makes it a whole lot easier. :-)

1. Get a new Job

2. Buy a red truck

3. Move out

4. Visit the Eiffel Tower

5. Complete a 365 day photo challenge (61/365)

6. Travel by myself

7. Find something I love

8. Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011

9. Get to 100 lbs

10. Create a budget and stick to it

11. Have a little red dress

12. Learn French

13. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find

14. Own a little black dress

15. Complete NaBloPoMo 

16. Ride a horse

17. Send a secret to PostSecret

18. Work out 10 extra minutes for 501 days (24/501)

19. Learn to Hula dance

20. Learn how to write with my left hand

21. Finish making this list

22. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over

23. Make some Fourth of July cupcakes

24. Finish reading the Mandie series (23/40)

25. Sleep under the stars

26. Dance in the rain with someone

27. Kiss in the rain

28. Go to a Renaissance Fair

29. Find an inspirational quote that really speaks to me and post it somewhere

30. Visit Hawaii

31. Learn to surf

32. Get pedometer

33. Read my Bible every day for 30 days (0/30)

34. Have a conversation with a complete stranger

35. Complete a coloring book

36. Volunteer 100 hours (7/100)

37. Read 100 books (14/100)

38. Make a list of what I'm looking for/what is important to me in a relationship 

39. Make a playlist of 26 songs with each letter of the alphabet

40. Complete the 5000 Question survey

41. Feel the fear and do it anyway

42. Make my own hair clips

43. Take a Zumba class

44. Do the 30 Day Song challenge (0/30)

45. Ride on a motorcycle

46. Win a Script Frenzy

47. Bake a cake from scratch (They were cupcakes but . . . Same difference)

48. Take a helicopter ride

49. Go a week without buying anything

50. Complete the World's Largest Permanent Hedge Maze (Dole Plantation, Hawaii)

51. Learn to change the oil in my car

52. Take a trapeze class

53. Get my bachelors degree

54. Bake and frost mini cupcakes 

55. Make homemade ice cream

56. Throw away all my underwear and start again

57. Pray every day for 30 days (0/30)

58. Wear my retainer every day for 30 days (0/30)

59. Go Sailing

60. Have a spa day

61. Read the Constitution of the United States

62. Read the Declaration of Independence 

63. Ask 10 friends to suggest one book and read them all (4/10, 2/10)

64. Don't pick at my eyelashes for 30 days (1/30)

65. Participate in Operation Beautiful ( 

66. Whiten my teeth

67. Meditate once a week (6/132)

68. Improve my posture

69. Vote in an election

70. Get a prize from a claw machine

71. Buy a new MP3 player

72. Make a list of 25 things I like about myself.

73. Make a decision once a month and stick to it (1/33)

74. Don't buy anything for 4 weeks out of every year. 2011-(2/4) 2012-(0/4) 2013-(0/4)

75. Successfully style my hair in a French Twist/French Roll 

76. Style someone else's hair

77. Teach someone to French braid

78. Finish the 1000 question quiz

79. Do 100 crunches every day for a month (0/30)

80. Fill my 'Done!' list with 101 things (70/101)

81. Get a manicure

82. Write my name in the sand

83. Go to a drive-in movie

84. Make a chocolate mug cake

85. Compliment 10 strangers (1/10)

86. Read 50 books in a year (17/50)

87. Finish an entire tube of chapstick

88. Write a FutureMe

89. Participate in 100_Snapshots

90. Clean out my closet

91. Buy clothes I can comfortably wear most places

92. Get a credit card

93. Get all of my splits

94. Get rid of 50 possessions

95. Go see a ballet

96. Make cookies as Christmas presents

97. Get a water filter

98. Watch Les Miserables 

99.  Spend a weekend entirely alone

100. Print this list and post it at my desk

101. Complete 100 things on my 101 things to do list (Yes, I am giving myself a 'freebie', finishing this list is an accomplishment in itself)