
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Criminal (NaBloPoMo #12)

I feel like a criminal. Part of my head is telling me that it's no big deal and another part is screaming "Oh My Gosh! You Ran A Red Light!!!!!!"
Yes, I ran a red light. it was completely on accident. I don't think they take that as an excuse though. I was driving home from cleaning the studio and I wasn't paying attention. There's this light by a high school and it's almost never red or at least it only turns red as you're coming up to it. This time it was red before I got there and I didn't even realize it. I nearly had a heart attack when I realized as I went through the intersection. The good thing is that this light it pretty deserted, there is rarely anyone going through it so there wasn't even anyone around to see me run through.
I feel so horrible and i have this little headache that has been getting worse since it happened. Now I'm a little worried about driving. It feels to me like my concentration on driving and, as a result, my driving skills have been deteriorating lately. Frankly, i scare myself . . . Well that's all the freak out session I have time for, gotta go to school.

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