
Monday, March 30, 2009

School Sucks

School sucks. I'm sitting in my room crying, at 11:30 at night because all weekend I've been stressed about a project for my psychology class and tonight I remember that I have a test in women in other cultures that I haven't read half of the stuff for yet. Remembering that made me look at the syllabus which says that I have to write out a page long answer to a discussion question about the stuff I haven't read. Seeing all the stuff I forgot about made me figure, keeping a planner might be good. So I bring out the planner I bought at the beginning of the semester and barely used and I start writing out all the stuff for my classes. That definitely did not help my stress level because that lead me to the discovery that I also have a quiz I haven't studied for in food and nutrition tomorrow. School is just a joy isn't it? I am never taking 4 classes in one semester ever again.

(BTW Christa is starting college and she said, for her freshman year of college, she is going to be taking 6 classes. SIX classes!!!! Is she nuts? Especially considering she is taking all of two classes this year in high school. How the heck is she going to live through 6 classes? What kind of advisor is she talking to because obviously this woman needs a reality check!)

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