
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feel the fear and do it anyway. ~Susan Jeffers

I'm starting the 101 things in 1001 days challenge tomorrow (Because I'm OCD and have to start at the beginning of the month) and one of my goals is to find an inspirational quote that actually does inspire me and post it in places that I will see.
Feel the fear and do it anyway. ~Susan Jeffers
I don't think that this is The Quote that I've been looking for but it really is a good one for me. I am starting to learn to do this, be afraid of doing stuff and doing it anyway, but I could always use the reminder. I'll keep searching for quotes but this one will be going up on my wall or mirror or something :-)

P.S. Maybe I should make a goal of fixing my space bar, I had to go back and add spaces to about half of this post because my space bar is being temperamental and doesn't like adding spaces where I want them.>:-(

Monday, March 28, 2011

It is 10:20 AM . . .

It is 10:20 AM and I have already done a 15 min workout, read some of an infancy chapter, sat through a 50 min class, chased my dog around the front yard, given said dog a bath because in the less than 2 hours that I was gone this morning she managed to find and roll in cat barf and then proceed to walk around the house while my family does nothing except notice that she smells.
In short, my day is not going well. I was actually in a good mood this morning before I left for school, now I am not.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Mediocre Life

I’m so tired of my life.

No, this isn’t my suicide note. I auditioned for a dance competition a few days ago and didn’t make it. Although I’m disappointed that I didn’t make it into the competition what I’m more frustrated about is my mediocrity. I feel like people I know are doing things they love with their life or at least working toward something they love. I feel like everyone else is going somewhere while I’m not.
Yes I’m about to graduate college, but what for? I have no real desire to work at a hotel be in HR (Which, by the way, is where I’m aiming for just cause). I feel like I am going nowhere at break-neck speed. I want to do something that I have some kind of passion for but I have no clue what that thing is!
I feel like I’m treading water and then trying to brag. “Who cares if I’m not going anywhere or if I’m not happy, I’m swimming the fastest.”
I read things about people who quit their jobs go off and just fly by the seat of their pants and are happy because they left to do what they love. But what if you don’t know what you love? What if you we raised not to be reckless and quit everything on a whim? What am I supposed to do?
My life feels so mediocre but I feel like I am meant for more than mediocrity . . . But I guess most people feel that way don’t they? So I guess I should just put my head down and trudge through just like everyone else.

. . . But what if that kills me?