
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dying Friendship

What do you do when you feel like you're growing apart from your friend but they aren't? I feel like I don't know her as well and I definitely don't think she knows me very well anymore either.
We went to a movie, me, Kim, and her. Originally we were supposed to go see a funny movie a few days before Christmas but instead we go see 'Avatar.' Gem had already seen it and wanted to see it again. I didn't. But whatever, it was a friend day I figured it didn't really matter. Apparently I never made it clear that I don't like war movies and battle scenes because that was what half the movie was. Plus, when I said that it wasn't really my kind of movie, she goes 'oh I didn't realize that.'
Its not even just that. I just feel like we used to be so much closer. And now we're not. It's kinda depressing. And its not like I want us to we just are, at least on my side.